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DIY Macrame Plant Hanger

DIY Macrame Plant Hanger

I have always loved crafting but my latest obsession has definitely been macrame. It is such a great way to pass the time while we’re all staying in at home. Plus, you end up with a beautiful piece of decor you made yourself.

Here’s how to make this DIY macrame plant hanger.


  • 3mm macrame cord

  • wooden ring

  • scissors


You’ll first want to cut your cord into eight 15-foot long strands. Then, pull each cord through the wooden ring, leaving it hang evenly on both sides.


Next, you’ll cut another long strand and create a gathering knot underneath the ring.

(Create a loop with a tail up at the top and wrap the strand around several times. Put the end through the loop and pull tight at each end.)


Then, sectioning off four strands, create a spiral by doing about 28 half square knots.

(Take the far left of the four strands and cross it over the center two. Take the far right of the four strands and put it over the far left strand, under the center two strands and pull it through. Repeating the knot several times on the same side will create a spiral knot.)


(Tip: After completing about seven knots, turn the strands around. This helps keep the four strands straight and makes it much easier to continue your knots.)


Next, leaving a gap after the spiral, create three square knots.


Once all three square knots are made, pull the two center strands up and in-between the strands at the top of your square knots. Pulling through creates what’s called a berry knot.


To complete the berry knot simply tie another square knot underneath.


Then, leaving a gap under the berry knot, create another spiral knot.

(Again, do 28 half square knots to make both spirals the same length.)


Repeat this pattern three more times.

(Tip: Be sure to line up the start and ends of each spiral as well as the berry knots to be sure each grouping matches up in length.)


Next, taking the far right two strands of one grouping and the far left two strands of another, create a square knot.


Continue this around, creating three more square knots.


(Tip: Be sure to line up each knot so they’re all the same length down from the spiral knots.)

Then, repeat the four square knots one more time. Again, using the far right two strands of one knot and the far left two stands of another.


Next, leaving space below the square knots, create another gathering knot at the bottom.


Finally, cut the ends to the desired length.


And there you have it, your diy macrame plant hanger.


Put any of your favorite pots in the hanger.

(I used this geometric one I had lying around.)


Then, add a real or faux plant of any kind.

(I used these faux fern pieces I got from Target.)


Now you can sit back and enjoy your work!

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