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Organizing While In Quarantine

Organizing While In Quarantine

We’ve all been trying to find ways to stay busying during this hectic time at home and one of the first things on my to-do list was to get organized.

One of my big projects for the Spring is to redecorate our master bedroom, but before I felt I could really get started I wanted to organize all of our clothes.


One thing I used to help were these drawer organizers.


I picked up two packs of these from Meijer. They were super easy to assemble and definitely helped organize my top dresser drawers.


Next I moved on to getting somethings organized in the bathroom.


We have some nice sized drawers under our sink but they were really looking a mess. I simply just pulled everything out, got rid of stuff we no longer needed, and put everything back.


I also used a Command Hook to hang my hairdryer rather than it taking up space in one of the drawers.


One of the things I was most excited for was making a make-shift holder for my husband’s toothbrush. Since he likes to brush his teeth in the shower and I’m always worrying I’m going to knock his toothbrush onto the floor I thought it was a good idea to make a holder for it.

I simply used a Solo cup and two old shower curtain hooks.


First I painted the Solo cup white so that it would not clash with our shower.

I then punched two holes in the top and slide the hooks through.


I think it works pretty well!

The last place I organized was the kitchen. I especially needed to do something with the cabinets.


When we first moved in I definitely went against my mom’s own advice to put the plates and bowls near the stove. I’m pretty sure I just didn’t want to listen to my mom. 😆

But after several months I realized she was right and that made way more sense.

First I lined the cabinets (something I had been meaning to do for awhile).


Then I simply switched things around and I think it made for a much more functional kitchen.


Of course I’m pretty sure Cody was annoyed that I moved everything around. 😂 But he got over it.

That’s it for my quarantine organization. What have you been doing to be more organized at home? Let me know in the comments below.

We've all been trying to find ways to stay busying during this hectic time at home and one of the first things on my to-do list was to get organized. Follow ...

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