

Welcome to my blog. I hope you find some inspiration to create!

#MakingItAtHome Challenge

#MakingItAtHome Challenge

I have been a fan of NBC’s show Making It with Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman since the very beginning. So, when they announced a special “at home” challenge during quarantine I had to give it a go!

Week One

The first week’s challenge was to make something out of things found in your junk drawer.


Almost immediately three things I could do came to mind.

When I saw the playing cards I thought of creating a modern style mobile.

First, I painted the back of the cards black using some acrylic paint I had at home.

Then, using some black yarn and some wire I also had around the house, I formed the mobile.

Because the wire was gold I decided to wrap the yarn around the wire making it all black.


This project definitely didn’t turnout exactly like I had envisioned but hey, I at least gave it a try.

The second project I thought of was to create a play block out of some extra Koozies I had in my junk drawer.

I love Koozies but had a few I didn’t mind parting with.

First, I cut the Koozies into six squares.

Then, using some white yarn I had I stitched a design in all six squares and stitched them together to form a cube.


This also didn’t turnout quite like I had hoped but was still fun to put together.

My third idea was to use the magnetic letters to create a cool name tag, but I soon realized I didn’t have two of the same letter so that project was scraped.

We’ll see how next week’s challenge turns out!

Organizing While In Quarantine

Organizing While In Quarantine

DIY Tassel Wall Hanging

DIY Tassel Wall Hanging